Let the magic happen and enjoy while you receive your friends’ compliments!!.

Pin/tape/glue dots them around your house.Print: Best tip to print for free or super cheap.How to use these Harry Potter party printables «Beware sign-Whomping willow»: if you have a garden and trees, put it there, if not a simple plant in your home could be a funny option.your guest will stand under it while holding the «Prison of Azkaban» sign in their hands.stick the sign « have you seen this wizard? » on an empty wall,.Pin those posters around your house to bring back some nice « Potterhead » memories to your guests and turn your home into Hogwarts’ castle! Obviously, these printables will be perfect for any HP themed party all year around, not just for Halloween! Part 3 of this HP Party printables series includes 3 signs, and here are some ideas on how to use them(click on the bold text to download each sign or click on each turquoise buttons further down): I’m now sharing with you 3 new Harry Potter party printables – part 3 of 5. Head over this article to download part 5. «Wizards only beyond this point»: place it at your entrance door.Follow the spiders: cut spiders and Hagrid’s quote: then place the spiders on a wall so that they form a path so that it looks like if spiders are going away through one of your house windows.Lumos/Nox labels: to stick above and under your light switches (3 styles included).Head over this article to download part 4. Caution sign- « watch your step, stairs change»: close to your staircase.

«Room of requirement» frame: tape it on any door you think would be appropriate (reminder: the room of requirement is a secret room that only appears when you need it and can sometimes disappear): toilets? kitchen?….«Free invisibility cloaks»: show off your witty humor and stick this sign close to empty cloth hangers, on an empty box….Recap of all the Harry Potter Printables shared Here’s a recap of all the Harry Potter printables. But you’re of course welcome to do so if you want to get more free printables!įeel free to share the link to my blog but please refrain to share the files directly and make sure to give credit to Lovely Planner

You do not need to subscribe to the newsletter or share on FB or else. You can now download the files very easily, directly from each article. All the 15 printables of this set have now been shared so make sure to read each of the 5 articles to download all the 15 printables! (3 printables per article)